Utilising our Ripamonti Speedy drill mast & BBC 120 pneumatic precisive drill mounted via and Engcon head to a road rail excavator.
The Bell Access IRATA qualified rope access team installed 16No. 75mm diameter bore hole self drilling R38 anchor bar to depth of 8m over a period of scheduled night shifts.
The team diamond cored drilled 86mm holes thorough the existing stone retaining wall to allow access for the proceeding soil nail.
Following installation these anchors where pull tested using a Hydrajaws 2008 model 145kN through load cycles up to 50kN.
Framework: Network Rail
Duration: 3 Saturday night shifts
We understand your needs may not have been covered by any of the above, but we enjoy a challenge, so if you require something different why not get in touch and we can discuss how we can help.